Annual meeting 2025: February 11th

We have our Annual Meeting coming up on February 11, during the last 30 minutes of rehearsal. There are 4 Board positions up for election, which will be for a 2-year term. Here are a few words about each role. And please feel free to talk to the current Board members if you’d like more information.

Vice president

This position works mainly on fundraising ideas, including writing grants and researching donor funding. Also runs the monthly Board meetings when the President isn’t available.


This position coordinates the creation of the concert posters and printed programs, and enlists the help of the orchestra members for posting flyers in the community and on social media. Also seeks out venues for our concerts, and organizes the logistics (concert call time, dress, parking, seating on stage, etc)

Member at large (2 positions)

This has to be the easiest and most fun position available!  All you have to do is attend all the committee meetings (which might include cookies and coffee), and then be of help where you can – which may be anything from IT or grant writing, or moving chairs at the concert or for rehearsal set up.